My Recommended Watercolor Supplies Part 2
Hello everyone! I love to try new art supplies and I am so excited to share some of my findings with you. I’ve experimented with many brands and types of supplies, but these items are a few that are great for all levels of artists. Many of my favorites were found by experimenting with options. I invite you to play too and find what you like the best. I love to try new paints, papers, brushes and watercolor techniques.
Happy Painting and creating. Let me know what your favorites are!
This is the perfect starter paint set for at home and on the go! It includes the most important colors and places for mixng/experimenting with colors. Great fro beginners.
Winsor & Newton Cotman Short Handle Brush
(4 Pack)
A good brush inexpensive brush set when you are starting out with watercolor.
Winsor & Newton Water Colours, 12 Half Pans
This lightweight, compact box contains everything required for outdoor/on-the-go painting.
Winsor & Newton Water Colour Paint, 14ml tube, French Ultramarine
My favorite base color blue. It is perfect for mixing colors!
Great quality water color paper at a great price!
Holbein Artist's Watercolor 15ml Tube (Sap Green) W275
My favorite shade for a leaf green.
Perfect shade of indigo for your palette!
Winsor & Newton Water Colour Paint, 14ml tube, Permanent Rose
Permanent rose is a staple color in my palette.
Holbein Artists Watercolor Gamboge Nova 5ml
A great yellow/gold paint option.